pole top tenon adaptors

Our pole top tenon adapters allow a side mount fixture to be affixed to a pole top that was originally supplied with a tenon. The pole top tenon adapter is provided to match the the size of the pole and securely attach to the tenon by the use of a through bolt and set screws.

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Product Line

Catalog NumberPole SizeFixture ApplicationDrill Mount OptionsFixturesCutsheetTemplate
PTTA-4SQ-DXX-STD4" Square13"D11View
D22 at 90 or 180
PTTA-5SQ-DXX-STD5" Square13"D11View
D22 at 90 or 180
PTTA-6SQ-DXX-STD6" Square13"D11View
D22 at 90 or 180

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Lyte Poles was founded to meet the continued focus on partner demands for high-quality, low-cost, and technologically advanced products. Our commitment to superb partner service and quality makes us the manufacturer partner for today and tomorrow.

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